More Instructions to Disciples

Hazrat Abu Hassan Khirqani (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

  1. Seek ye the company of God alone, and withdraw all desire to meet creatures, even if he were Khidr. Art thou so surfeited with the company of the Lord that ye yearn for the company of the creatures? It behoves thee to give up all company and seek His company alone.

  2. "Creation is bound by time and I am Lord of time".

  3. "When I was reduced to non-existence, I saw myself cloaked in Divine Existence, but when I gloated over my existence (ego) annihilation fell to my lot".

  4. "When I transcended the ego, water could not drown me, nor fire burn me. Then I passed three months and four days without food and survived all trails."

  5. Goodness is only the attribute of God; we can lay no claim to it.

  6. "O seeker, if ye desire to be the master of miracles, then start by fasting every third day, and thereafter for fourteen days continuously, and after that for forty successive days, thereafter for four months at a time, and lastly take no food for full one year. Then you will attain to a state when you see a hidden object appear before thy view, which shall be holding in its mouth something that has the appearance of a snake. If you partake of it, you shall never thereafter feel hunger.

  7. "When I started fasting the snake-like thing appeared before me but I refused to accept it as it interfered in the direct downpour of the Lords grace on me. I prayed to the Lord to confer on me whatever He wanted directly and not through the mediation of another. The Lord said, "Hereafter you shall be fed without food and shall find thy hunger and thirst satisfied without taking anything." And so it has been ever since. I feel I am fed with a thing within my stomach which is invincible to me, but which is sweet as honey and fragrant as the Musk. The world does not know from where I get my food.

  8. "So long as I looked for help on others besides the Lord, I never succeeded in my worship, but when I cut myself off from all creation and stuck to God alone, riveting my attention on Him alone, then I found all the obstacles in my spiritual path vanished by the Grace of the Lord and without further effort on my part I reaped great results."

  9. "Know that the grandeur of His mercy, before which the sins of the world are more than a speck of dust."

  10. "I wish there were no Heaven or Hell that people might love God for His sake."

  11. "Infinite and innumerable are the ways that lead to the Lord. You may take it that there are as many and numerous ways as there are people in creation. Everyone is treading his chalked out path according to his capacity. I practically entered every one of these paths and found that someone or other was pursuing it. There was no path that was empty of people. Then I prayed to the Lord, "Show me the Path which none dares to enter, and where except Thee and me be none when I take it." The Lord pointed out the Path of the anguish of soul (gham wa andoh). It means that whosoever desires to pursue this Path of Love of the Lord shall not fear pain and trouble that may befall in the way. One should follow His commandments ungrudgingly and remember Him for His unfailing conferment’s. One should always be offering gratitude to Him."

  12. He is brave in the eyes of the Lord who is deemed coward in the world, and he is a coward in the eyes of the Lord who is worshipped by the world as a hero.

  13. "What I tell you is a message direct from the Lord; it is too pure and the world can lay no claim to it."

  14. "Whatever spiritual excellence I gained was direct result of my living in solitude and silence."

  15. The Divine Voice said, "Abul Hassan, obey My commands for I am that life that knows no death. If ye shall obey Me, I shall bestow eternal on thee. Desist to approach the things that I have forbidden thee to touch."

  16. "In His grace the Lord has conferred upon me a higher state of spirituality than He conferred on Bayazid. Bayazid said, "I am neither established nor am I a pilgrim." This stage is lower than one I enjoy, namely, I am established in Unity-consciousness (God), and make my pilgrimage in God.

  17. "Since God has destroyed my ego, Hell has no fear left for me nor has Heaven any lure for me. The state which God has conferred on me is such that if all the dwellers of Hell and Heaven together entered if they will be lost (fana)."

  18. "O lord! Thy gift to me is un-eternal and my gift to Thee is eternal, for Thy gift to me is ‘I’ (myself) and my gift is ‘Thou’. I know death whilst Thou art established in eternity.

  19. "O Lord! I seek from Thee that state for myself in which I cease to exist and You alone remain in me."

  20. The world flies from him who seeks it. You are that gracious Lord who speeds up to him who even with faltering steps proceeds on the Path that leads to Thee.

  21. "O Lord! I am the one who always causes Thee pain, and yet Ye art the One who is ever conferring new gifts and comforts on me."

  22. "Some seek comfort in austerities, others in pilgrimages and others in worship. Make me such that I seek pleasure in none of these, but in Thee and Thee alone.

  23. "Pray lead me, O Lord, to that friend of Yours who knows how to repeat Thy Name as it should be repeated, that I may receive his blessings by serving Him."

  24. "O Lord! I am but a humble creature of Yours, My worship and remembrance have no value in Thy eyes. Pray accept me, a frail creature who has nothing to depend on, and be a shelter unto me."

Once the Lord said, "Abul Hassan, We confer on thee everything but Godhead." He answered, "Lord! Remove this last veil even from me- of bestowal and refusal betwixt Thee, and me for it is an obstacle for him who claims Thee as his own. I wish there be no separateness between Thee and me."

Once Abul Hassan sang:

The lovers always seek to witness the effulgent face of the Lord till eternity. In their pain and pleasure they seek the satisfaction of the Lord. The lovers seek Paradise only when they are promised of a certainty that they shall have the Vision of the Lord and His nearness there forever.

Abul Hassan lamented that the list of his sins was very long, and that of his orisons where very short.

"Not till I was convinced," says Abul Hassan Khirqani, "that the Lord shouldered the responsibility of feeding me, did I give up making efforts to earn."

Abul Hassan said, "When I saw that the creatures of the world are quite helpless in every matter, I gave up trusting them and taking shelter under them and also gave up their association."

Abul Hassan said, "I seek not to be the teacher of anyone. I wish I could constantly say and feel, ‘For me God alone is enough.’"

Abul Hassan remarked, "I do not say that you should not make efforts and carry on spiritual practices, but that you should remember constantly this truth that it is not you who are carrying on the practices but that you are the instruments in some Other Hand. Genuine spiritual practice starts when He acts through you. For your practice performed on your own account is like the deal of the dealer who is entrusted with goods, in which he carries on business, and which can be withdrawn at will by the master, rendering the agent penniless.

"Remember that God is ever with you, provided your ego does not intervene. So long as your existence is not annihilated (destroyed) you shall not taste of His existence.

They asked, "Do you fear death?"

Abul Hassan replied, "A dead man does not fear death."

They asked, "What is obeisance (bandgi)?"

Abul Hassan replied, "To pass a life of non-fulfillment of desires (namuradi).

They asked, "What should we do to achieve awareness?"

Abul Hassan replied, "Consider your life’s duration as no more than the breath you are drawing in at present. Awareness comes after the Vision of Almighty Allah is gained."

Abul Hassan said, " For the last forty years, my self is seeking a cold drink, but I am denying that to it."

"For the last sixty years," said Abul Hassan to the Lord, "I am loving and waiting for Thee." Hearing this the Lord said, "But I am loving thee and waiting for thy arrival to me since the first Day of Creation."

When the hour of death arrived, Abul Hassan said, "Bury me at a lower level than Bayazid, for it would be sheer impertinence (disrespect) if my tomb be higher than his."

Abul Hassan had promised Muhammad bin Hasan that at the critical hour of his death he shall be by his side. And Abul Hasssan died before Muhammad bin Hasan. But when the latter’s hour of death approached, he saw that Abul Hassan was standing by his side and consoling him. He left the world without experiencing any pain.