Masters Instructions to Disciples

Hazrat Abul Hasan khirqani (may Allah be pleased with him) instructed his disciple thus:


  1. Seek ye the grace of Almighty Allah, for it transcends the terrors of Hell and the pleasures of Heaven.

  2. It is veils that warp past, present and future time from your view. When the veils are withdrawn one can see all.

  3. It is a great claim to style oneself a Sufi. At least he was not one.

  4. For 30 years he never slept at night.

  5. The Lord has so much engaged him in Himself that he has ceased to be himself, and his body was no more than a phantom, a mere thought.

  6. The Lord had bestowed that divine anguish on him a drop of which, if manifested in the world, could cause a bigger storm in the world than that of Noah’s time.

  7. Those who were his disciples shall be saved at the hour of death by his intervention by obtaining grace from the Lord for them.

  8. He felt happier to pass his night under a dry bush on earth in thoughts of the Lord than seating himself comfortably under the wish-fulfilling tree of Paradise in forgetfulness of the Lord.

  9. Whosoever consciously displays miracles is cast out of the presence of the Lord.

  10. He sought complete annihilation of his self or wished in the alternative to pervade all.

  11. He was lost in himself a thousand times in a day.

  12. By Almighty Allah’s grace he knew every creature’s past, present and future at all times. Whosoever is not equipped with such knowledge cannot be a teacher. If even a thorn pricked anybody’s foot anywhere in the world he would know that incident and experience it himself, and point out the person who thus suffered. This was so because he had identified himself with creation.

  13. He sought the Vision of the Lord and feared not the Hell nor cared for the Heaven.

  14. He wished he may be called upon on the Day of Judgment to answer for the sins of all creation, and was willing to endure punishment for those sine, so that thereby all creatures be saved enduring great agony.

  15. When people seek the Lord with earnestness and are lost to themselves, God is met.

  16. Whosoever by Almighty Allah’s grace sees Him, he who attains to the vision of the Lord is lost to himself.

  17. The heroes in the Path are dead even whilst living in the world.

  18. O seeker, never think ye hath gained illumination, until for 70 years successively you experience that whilst standing in prayers in Khurasan you are offering obeisance’s and bowing in Mecca, and all the treasures of heaven and earth lie bare before your eyes and in spite of all that you remain humble and ever in fear lest the Lord may not accept your worship.

  19. Many circumambulate the Kaaba, yet others go round in Heaven, but all praise is due to the hero who circumambulates round the Unity-consciousness (is in union with the Lord and dwells within Him).

  20. Abul Hassan always bargains in the present.

  21. Things are first sought in the world and then achieved afterwards.

  22. Such is the fire that is contained in the words that pass between the Prophets and the Lord that is even a fraction of the revelations made to them were disclosed, the whole of the creation would be consumed as in a flash. But the Prophets can endure them because of their nearness to the Lord at the time of their utterance. If the Lord be not at the time by their side every limb of theirs would be separated from the other.

  23. There are some dervishes of the Lord who are His beloved. When they call Him by name, all the birds of air and beasts of the forest stand in silence whilst Angels in heaven shudder and the earth and heaven are illuminated. Such is the majesty of the utterance of the Name by them that the earth starts quaking.

  24. None can tread one step successfully in the Path without the help of the Lord. One can never succeed by one’s personal effort and perseverance.

  25. One should so live in the world that no sin be recorded against ones name.

  26. Dwell in the company of the Lord and forsake the company of the world because one should associate oneself with a friend and there is no friend superior to the Lord.

  27. Some of the friends of the Lord seated in the world can read the scroll of destiny.

  28. Almighty Allah bestows His anguish (dard) on the enlightened one.

  29. A Saint is neither a creature no a man of the world.

  30. He is really a beloved of the Lord who attains to Him in the present life and does not defer the meeting till after death.

  31. When the Lord leads one to the Path, he dwells in the Plane of Unity with him (Tauhid) and none except Almighty Allah knows about his state.

  32. The best is the ailing heart that aches for the Lord.

  33. Whom the Lord has made ill; to him He shall play the physician.

  34. Whosoever casts his glance on Paradise is debarred from His grace. Such a one ever dwells in solitude and renounces the company of the creatures and all things of the world. He even gives up his ego, and thus the last veil between him and the Lord is removed.

  35. Whosoever seeks the world turns a slave to it but whosoever renounces the world, the world becomes his slave.

  36. If in any community a person gains enlightenment and nearness to Almighty Allah, Almighty Allah in His grace for his sake forgives the entire community its transgressions.

  37. The dervish never casts his glance on this world or the next.

  38. Only they who have the highest aim attain to Almighty Allah.

  39. The Name of the Lord should be repeated after completely annihilating the ego.

  40. Dissolve sins and worship the Lord, and the Lord shall be met.

  41. Everybody wants to take something to eternity from this world, but there is nothing in this world that can find a passage there except ego less-ness (nesti)

  42. Fear God, then call Him, and ye shall be lodged in the state of non-being.

  43. Amongst the thousands that tread the Path outlined by the Scripture there is one whose path is followed by Scripture itself, that is, every act of his turns into an ordinance of the Scripture.

  44. A Sufi does not need the light of the sun or the moon, for the Effulgence of the Lord is with him and it is brighter than that of all satellites.

  45. Whom the Lord guides, the Path is shortened for him.

  46. The food and drink of the saint is the remembrance of the Name of the Lord and discourses about him.

  47. The Lord becomes verily the light of the eyes of His devotee.

  48. A fragment of the Divine Love descended on earth, searched every heart in the world but found none able to hold it, so it returned to the Lord.

  49. After every hundred years a perfect soul is born in the world.

  50. Whose heart cherishes a love besides that of the Lord, although he may perform austerities and worship for a lifetime, he shall not be accepted by the Lord and shall remain a dead heart?

  51. The greatest veil between God and man is the carnel self.

  52. The greatest activity is the remembrance and recollection of the Lord and after that come, in order of preference, purity of life, charity and austerity (sternness).

  53. Association with saints is, spiritually, a very praiseworthy practice.

  54. If thou could run a hundred miles from the world to keep it away, it is supreme worship.

  55. The company of a Saint is a great gift of Almighty Allah.

  56. The supreme Kaaba is the Vision of the Lord.

  57. When on ten occasions the seeker of God tastes poison cheerfully, and then on the tenth occasion the savor of sugar falls to his lot. The seeker who, in the commencement of his spiritual journey, faces many ordeals and tribulations is afterwards blessed with the company of the Lord.

  58. Not till the Lord, in His beneficence, bestows upon you the full strength to seek Him shall you search lead to success.

  59. He who sacrifices his honor for the sake of the Lord, the Lord thereafter cloaks him with the garment of His honor.

  60. Continue spiritual practices till the spiritual practices themselves abandon you.

  61. To bow to the spiritual dispensation is superior to the carrying out of many practices.

  62. If even a drop of the grace of the Lord should fall to your lot, you shall not desire anything in the world, neither talk to nor hear anyone.

  63. Remembrance of God is more piercing than a thrust of a thousand swords simultaneously.

  64. The Vision of God is such that, after it comes to your lot, you see nothing besides Him all twenty-four hours a day.

  65. A man must carry on his devotional practices for full forty years and then can he expect salutary results. Ten years spiritual practice is necessary to correct errors of the tongue, ten years for reducing the extra fat on the body, ten years for correcting the vagaries of the heart and the last ten years for correcting whatever other vagaries are left behind.

  66. Laugh little and weep much: eat and sleep very little.

  67. He is really unfortunate who passes away from the world without holding conversation with the Lord.

  68. Constantly remember God.

  69. When one repeats the Name of the Lord, the tongue is so burnt that it cannot repeat the Names over again. If it is seen to repeat it, it is really uttering His praise.

  70. The anguish of the fire of separation is so tense that if it is escaped the heart of the fortunate few treasure it, the whole world would be consumed. What is the desire in the heart of such people except to remember the Lord, as is His due, but they find that they cannot do so.

  71. If your heart is riveted on God, the whole world cannot injure you if even it turns your enemy.

  72. To see God along with they self is non-existent (fana); to see God alone and not thy self is eternal existence (baqa).

  73. Seek ye the company of such a one who is burning in the fire of Divine Love and drowned in His anguish.

  74. Take to no activity except the remembrance of the Name of the Lord, and cherish no thought of the world besides Him.

  75. To pass one moment with God is superior to a lifelong service of the world.

  76. Every creature is a veil and a net to the faithful seeker. There is no knowing how and when a man may be entangled in any one of them.

  77. If even once in your lifetime you have caused annoyance and pain to the Lord, it behaves you to seek His forgiveness throughout your life, for although He might in His grace forgive you, yet you should always feel agony in your heart that you displeased your Lord and did not follow his precept.

  78. There are many who are dead and yet are seen walking on the streets, whilst there are others who lie entombed but are really alive.

  79. God’s love claims him whose heart is reduced to ashes for Him.

  80. Renounce all worship and sins and drown thyself in the river of His grace.

  81. The more your serve your Teacher, the more you rise spiritually.

  82. Body, tongue and heart I have not, only God and God is in me.

  83. The world lings get what is recorded in their destiny, but the saint receives that which is not mentioned in the scroll of his destiny.

  84. Endure tears in this world so that you might laugh in the next world.

  85. When the servant of the Lord is lodged in non-existence (nesti), he is cloaked with the garment of divine existence.

  86. In the highest state of spirituality, the thirst for God is so advanced in the devotee that if the waters of all the rivers of creation be given to him, it shall not be allayed, and instead grow more. Such a one cuts off all relationships with the world and is never proud of the miracles that flow unconsciously from him.

  87. The best title for a devotee is "slave of the Lord".

  88. For the faithful every place is a mosque and every day is Friday.

  89. Never let a beggar turn empty-handed from the door, but give something even if you have to contract a loan for the purpose.

  90. Treat your guests very well.

  91. There are three final states in spirituality. In the first, you consider yourself just as God considers you. In the second state, you become His and He becomes yours. In the third state, you cease to exist and He alone fills thee.

  92. Before the hour of death is reached, you must make an effort to achieve three things:

    1. In the love of God weep so much that tears of blood start appearing from your eyes.

    2. Fear of God may turn your urine bloody.

    3. Keep so many nightlong vigils that your body may get emaciated (withered).

One day a Sufi came walking through the air and descended in front of Abul Hassan, and introduced himself as the Junaid and Shibli of the day. Hearing the words Abul Hassan passed into a state of ecstasy and in that mood striking the earth under his feet said, "I am God of today and the Prophet of today." (Fariduddin Attar states here that this was the state in which Mansur had passed).


Once the Divine Voice said, "Abul Hassan, if We proclaim to the world what we know and which is hidden from the world about your attainments, they shall stone you to death for your heresy (as mentioned in the incident narrated above in the preceding paragraph)." Hearing this Abul Hassan remarked, "Dost Thou want, O Lord! that I proclaim to the world the way in which Thou deal with us in Thy moods? Know that none will take then to Your worship and all shall abandon it." The Divine Voice was heard again, "Do not reveal to the world what you know about Us, and We shall not reveal to the world what We know about you."


Once the Divine Voice said, "Abul Hassan, you are Ours and We are yours." Abul Hassan amended the statement saying, "O Lord! Ye art the Omnipotent Master, and I Thy humble slave."


Abul Hassan once prayed to the Lord to withdraw him from the world. The Divine Voice answered, "We have purposely kept thee in the world so that Our friends may come and associate with thee, and he who cannot come to thee may, by merely repeating thy name and talking about thee, gain great spiritual benefit."

Abu Hassan said, "When I forgot my existence, I saw Truth all round and nothing besides."


God told Abul Hassan that there was nothing in this world and in the next, which was in his share. He (Almighty Allah) alone was his share.

Abul Hassan said, "Since I renounced the world I never cast another glance at it, and since I have talked to God, I have never after that talked to man."