Memorable Meetings in 1993/4

Pure Earnings

Speaking on pure earnings, Maulana Khushtar indicated that 'halaal rozi' is the heart of all spiritual progress and laid stress that no impure earnings should be sought. On another occasion, he pointed out that pure earnings bring light (nur) to the heart whereas impure earnings bring fire (naar). He also added that empty handed on the Judgment Day would be he who, despite his wealth, his prayers, fasting, etc, would have lived on impure earnings.

A Sufi friend pays a visit

The Sufi friend had never met His Eminence before, and as soon as he sat down, Maulana Khushtar started speaking on Sayyiduna Ghaus-ul-Azam (may Allah be pleased with him), the King of Sufis. " A pure heart with good intentions is very important and we should not forget that Allah does not prevent us from living in this world but we should live with a view of preparing for the Hereafter. He then gave him a copy of the 1987 Eid-ul-Fitr Souvenir Magazine and requested him to reflect upon the poem of Ghaus-ul-Azam (RA), of which a few lines are given below:

Cups of Union the Beloved gave me to drink;

So I told my "Wine", advance towards me.


Then it moved and walked to me in cups;

"In my intoxication". I understood the Friends in my midst.


I said to all the Polar-Stars, Come and enter my State.

And become my Companions.


Be courageous and drink, you are my army,

Because the Cup-Bearer of the Fraternity has filled my cup to the full.


And you sipped from my cup, what I left after my deep "intoxication",

But you neither attained my height nor my Union.


All your stations are high,

But mine is higher ever.


University and other Examinations

Some days before a student proceeded abroad for higher studies he went to Hazrat Maulana Khushtar who laid emphasis on the fact those University examinations are easier than the day-to-day examinations. "A student who is regular at his studies can easily succeed in his University examinations but if he does not keep a constant watch all around he can easily slip and get hurt, the more so, as materialism is reigning supreme and all sorts of facilities to deal in dirty activities are easily available," he added.

Course of Studies

A student who applied for scholarship spoke of his problem of choice. "Whether it is engineering or medicine," stated Hazrat Maulana Khushtar, "the main thing is to walk on the right path. And when you go to Delhi, don’t forget to visit the Jumah Masjid." As it turned out, the student did not get the medical scholarship although he had the best academic qualification, and scholarships were granted to three students in that field! He proceeded to India to study engineering and had the opportunity of going to Delhi and visiting the Jumah Mosque there.

Visit a Shrine

Somebody related that he felt a sort of inspiration and spiritual ecstasy when he visited the shrine of Kwaja Moinuddeen Chishti (may Allah be pleased with him) in Ajmer. Since then, he quite often, has reached the same sort of feelings. Hazrat Maulana Khushtar explained that such feelings relate to the right path – "eh denass serat-al-mustaqeem". One thing is, however, very important, he added, good intentions.

La ilaha illalah – There is no God but God

Somebody chanted the following:

Kalma-e-tawheed ka murshad batana yiad he

Oh master! I remember how you taught me ‘Kalma-e-taheed’.

Hazrat Maulana Khushtar’s face became aglow. And, when the person added that one should be thankful to one’s spiritual guide for, without proper understanding of 'kalma-e-tawheed', there would be no prayer, no fast, no haj, no zakaat, no… Hazrat Maulana gave an acquiescent smile.

Igyaraween Shareef and Naat Shareef

Never in my life had I chanted a 'naat shareef' in an assembly. After all, I have but a smattering of the Urdu language. Some days before, Hazrat Maulana Khushtar had explained that it is beneficial to bring to the tongue the voice of the heart.

On the Gyaraween day, I was suffering from influenza. So, when Hazrat requested me to chant, I sincerely felt not as ease. On his insistence, I, however, gave way. And from my lips poured out:

Lutff ounka aam hohi ja-e-ga

His affection will embrace everybody

[Translation by Prof. G.D Quereshi M.A., LL.B]

All of a sudden, I felt as if the affection of the Noble beloved Prophet (may peace be upon him) had embraced the whole atmosphere. My influenza had temporarily vanished into the air and the poem of Alahazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (may Almighty Allah be pleased with him) was hopefully sung with devotion and love.

Visits to some old poor sick persons

I had the privilege of accompanying Hazrat Maulana Khushtar to the places of some old, poor and sick people. The unexpected visits brought tears to their eyes and they felt much relieved. They looked so simple and innocent that, later, Hazrat said:

"Brother! At the place of the poor, you get simplicity and quality. But, at most rich peoples places, there is no honesty but only quantity."

Garden of Bliss (Volume 2)

In the contents of a magazine entitled 'The Path to Bliss' to be published on the auspicious occasion of the Yaum-un-Nabi (12 Ausgust 1994), there were some Urdu poems of Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (may Allah be pleased with him). The transliteration part, as well as the English version, was ready. It was thought that it would be beneficial to the readers if a good reproduction of the Urdu version could also be inserted. Garden of Bliss (Volume 1 published in South Africa in 1990) could by itself satisfy that demand. No request whatsoever was made to Hazrat Maulana Khushtar and, when he handed 'Garden of Bliss' (Volume 2 published in South Africa in July 1994), the whole problem of the Urdu version was solved.

Always and ever well

With much sincerity did Hazrat Maulana Khushtar say that his aim and object is to please Almighty Allah and His beloved Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace). In this respect, he has received much help through his contact with Alahazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (may Allah be pleased with him) by whose favor his heart has known peace. In the circumstances, although he might, at times, be physically unwell, he considers that 'he' is 'always and ever well.'

Travel to other part of the world

Anybody, traveling to any foreign country, even far, far away, does not feel any boredom if he knows he is going to meet somebody whom he cherishes – mother, father, wife, children, etc. In the same way, declared His Eminence, Hazrat Maulana Khushtar, anybody, whose aim and object has always been pure, is not sad at the time of his departure from this world. On the contrary, he is happy for he knows he will be in a better world